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Popcorn & Popsicle Fridays
"Pop Fridays" or "Pop & Pop" is a very fun event that takes place at Brook Knoll on most Fridays during the school year. Starting when the TK kiddos are dismissed for the day, and ending when lunch recess is over, we sell fresh popcorn (the delicious aroma fills the school corridor!) and popsicles for $1 each. The Pop Team only sells treats that we would feed our own kids, so everything is high quality, free of artificial flavors and colors, and organic if possible. All of the proceeds go to the BKEC. In addition to raising money for school programs, this is a great community event that the kids just LOVE! In the winter, we typically hold Pop & Pop every other Friday. We need two pre-authorized volunteers every week to set up, make popcorn, sell and clean up, which typically takes from 11 AM until 1 PM. It's really a lot of fun and the students get VERY excited when their parent is volunteering for the day.
Contact Paloma Lachica at or follow this link to sign up!